Fall 2013 Meeting: Every Tuesday at USU room 307 at 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Interested in joining our organization? Stop by at one of our meetings anytime or contact us at csulbesp@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Prop 23 - Environmental Internship Opportunity


My name is Jaafar Rizvi and I work with CALPIRG, a statewide nonprofit group that works on environmental and social issues in California (www.calpirg.org & www.calpirgstudents.org).  I wanted to reach out to see if any of your members would be interested in applying for our internship, as we're doing work at CSULB this fall.  Would you be able to forward this internship description to the students on your listserv?

We're working on a campaign to get out the youth vote in the state and to raise awareness about Proposition 23 on this November's ballot (It's campaign is being funded primarily by out of state oil companies and proposes to roll back California's clean air & pollution laws).

This internship would give students an opportunity to learn about grassroots campaigns & environmental campaigns, while gaining valuable skills along the way.  The internship lasts through the election and is unpaid.  Depending on your major, class credit may be available.  Would you be able to forward this description (below) along to the students on your listserv?

Thank you so much and if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Jaafar Rizvi

"No on Prop 23" Campaign Organizer
CSU Long Beach



Apply for our internship at

Fall internships with CALPIRG!

Overview: CALPIRG's "No on 23″ Campaign is hiring student interns for the fall term.  These internships will provide students with invaluable experience in grassroots organizing and advocacy.  Internship may focus on one or many areas, including but not limited to: media relations, grassroots campaigning, coalition building, event coordinating, and web & print design.

About the Campaign: CALPIRG takes on powerful interests on behalf of Californians, working to win concrete results for our health and our well-being.  This fall we're working Statewide to defeat Proposition 23, the  Dirty Energy Proposition.   California passed the nations first global warming pollution laws in 2006 which have in turn made our air cleaner and boosted our clean energy economy.  Proposition 23 seeks to repeal that law. This would increase the amount of dirty energy California uses, it would damage our clean energy economy, and it would pollute the air we breathe. So we're working to get out the youth vote to let the world know that Californians want clean air and clean energy!  We're going to secure 160,000 pledges to vote "No" at over 30 campuses statewide including 9,500 at CSU Long Beach.  You can find more out about CALPIRG at www.calpirg.org and  www.calpirgstudents.org.

About the Position: As an intern with CALPIRG's "No on 23″ campaign, you will help CSU Long Beach turn out a record number of voters to the polls this fall and help California continue to be a clean energy leader.  We're going to talk to thousands of students, get in the media, and build coalitions so that everywhere student's look, they'll be reminded to vote on Nov. 2 and to vote "No" on 23!  You will be part of the state-wide movement to keep California's energy and air clean.  These are two month terms and are unpaid.

Intern Responsibilities:
*Work 10 hours per week
*Participate in training workshops to gain skills essential to effective organizing
*Hold a leadership position on the campaign
*Recruit, train, and work with at least 10 volunteers
*Report to the CALPIRG organizer on a weekly basis

Contact: CALPIRG Organizer Jaafar Rizvi
email: jrizvi@calpirg.org; phone: 802-318-5127
Apply now at

Jaafar Rizvi

"No on Prop 23" Campaign Organizer
CSU Long Beach




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